
401(k) Benefits

Save for your financial future with NV Energy’s 401(k) benefits.

NV Energy provides three ways to help you save for retirement:

  1. A traditional 401(k) savings option – contributions made on a before-tax basis. Earnings are tax-deferred until the account is paid out
  2. A Roth 401(k) savings option – contributions made on an after-tax basis, but all earnings are tax-free when the account is paid out
  3. An after-tax savings option – contributions are made on an after-tax basis and earnings are tax-deferred until the account is paid out

NV Energy contributes 100% of the first 6% you invest under any of these options. Non-represented and Local 1245 eligible employees are automatically enrolled in the 401(k) plan at a contribution rate of 6%; Local 396 eligible employees are automatically enrolled at 3%. You may want to consider contributing more toward your retirement and increasing your contribution amount. Remember, you can change your contribution amount at any time.

For more information, contact Vanguard at Retirement plan log in | Vanguard or 800-523-1188. Use the Vanguard website for tools and information on investing in your retirement.